Dr. Delaine Smith-Clark works at the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center at University of Maryland Capital Region Health where she provides supportive counseling and services to victims and their families to assist them in alleviating the traumatic effects of violence. Dr. Smith-Clark has an earned Doctoral Degree in Leadership and Renewal from Regent University (Virginia Beach, VA). Her dissertation topic is titled, “Beaten, Battered and Bruised: A Critical Analysis on How Christian Leaders and Laity Respond to Domestic Violence Against Women”.
Dr. Smith-Clark became a champion of the victims’ movement. She has assisted in developing a pipeline of volunteers to provide expanded victim support by training and supporting volunteers to ensure that they have the requisite skills to engage victims. She serves as the Coordinator of a Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), planning and facilitating monthly meetings with a multi-disciplinary and interagency group. Through her work with the Family Justice Center, Dr. Smith-Clark facilitates two support groups. In addition, she serves as a court advocate, and connects victims with other resources and referrals. She continues to build and sustain positive relationships with local support agencies to ensure critical support for victims.
Dr. Delaine Smith-Clark has a passion and unparalleled commitment to make a difference in the lives of victims whom she serves. Her daily goal is to improve her victims’ lives through empathy, education, and empowerment. Dr. Smith-Clark is truly a major contributor to and advocate for the victims’ movement.