Emergency – anywhere: 911 |
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Center of UM Capital Region Medical Center Hotline 240-677-2337
Prince George’s County Domestic Violence Unit
(301) 722-4433
CAFY: Community Advocates for Family and Youth
cafyonline.org – offering online chat assistance
(301) 882-2002
Prince George’s County Resource Line: 211
Prince George’s County, Office of the Sheriff
(301) 780-8600
Prince George’s County Family Justice Center 301-780-8008
National Domestic Violence Hotline
(800) 799-7233Â Â
(800) 799-SAFE
Family Crisis Center of Prince George’s County, Md.
(301) 731-1203
Community Crisis Services Inc. (CSSI) 301-731-1203
LGBTQ+ Resources |
The Trevor Project: Help and suicide prevention for LGBTQ youth.
Hotline – (866) 488-7386
LGBT National Hotline: Call center that refers to over 15,000 resources across the country that support LGBTQ individuals. Hotline – (888) THE-GLNH (843.4564) pen pals, weekly LQB and T chatrooms for youth.
African American Domestic Violence Programs
For more information about these programs, please contact Lisa at lisa.streeter@plcntu.org

Faith-Based Training Initiative
For faith leaders in our County, PLC’s professional staff educates and opens a dialogue about domestic violence, dating violence and family violence. Our culturally relevant training teaches faith leaders to:
- identify signs of abuse,
- support and guide congregants experiencing or witnessing abuse,
- make appropriate referrals to and build partnerships with community organizations that can help, and
- become proactive in working to prevent all forms of abuse and victimization.

Community-Based Bystander Prevention Education
At PLC community events, attendees learn intervention strategies, practices and resources needed to keep survivors safe. Our training:
- offers an education and prevention strategy targeting the African American community and that highlights culturally-specific issues related to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault,
- increases the community’s capacity to provide culturally-specific support for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, and
- increase awareness of local resources to address domestic violence and sexual assault.