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For each multiple choice question, please select all that apply.
2020 Golf Survey
My past participation with PLC's golf tournament has included:
I have golfed at the event
I have attended the clinic
I have attended the reception
I have volunteered at the event
I have another association with the event
Select all that apply for any occurrence of the annual event.
If you selected "I have another association with the event," please explain:
My past sponsorhip with PLC's golf tournament has included:
My company sponsored the event
I personally sponsored the event or paid for a spot
A friend or business associate sponsored the event
Select all that apply for any occurrence of the annual event.
Since April 1st, I have:
golfed 0-4 times
golfed 5-9 times
golfed 10 or more times
not golfed due to health concerns
not golfed for other reasons or I am not a golfer
If you nave not golfed since April 1, skip the next question.
My golf since April 1st has consisted of:
Tournament, charity event or other organized group outing
Individual (including up to a foursome) round of golf
Putting green or driving range only
Select all that apply.
I have plans to golf in the coming month:
In a tournament, charity event or other organized group outing
As an individual (including up to a foursome)
On the putting green or driving range only
Select all that apply.
If you have been golfing, please tell us what your club or course is doing to help you feel safe.
If you have not been golfing, please tell us what, if anything, could your club or course do to bring you back if the COVID-19 threat remains the same.
If the COVID-19 situation improves or goes unchanged:
I would potentially participate in PLC's modified live golf event
I would potentially participate virtually in PLC's golf event
I am not interested in support PLC through its 2020 golf event, regardless of format
Name (optional)
Email (optional)