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Be Safe | Summer 2021

We strive to create working conditions that promote work-life balance and employee wellbeing while in the office and while out of the office. As the restrictions of COVID-19 begin to relax, there will be an increase in families and friends out enjoying the sunshine and warm weather.

Check out these tips from the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) for staying safe this summer.

Summing Up PPWL With Audrey Ray

Watch PLC’s very own Audrey Ray, ABD, Nurturing Parents Coordinator sum up what Parents Progressing with Life (PPWL) is all about! 

PPWL has helped hundreds of families through counseling, parenting skills discussions, community resources linkages and expert advice.

HR Updates

Because You Asked For It!

ADP Workforce Now has simplified timekeeping for staff and supervisors, and it just keeps getting better! Coming soon, ADP Document Cloud will provide self-serve document upload.

DP Document Cloud manages your:

  • Background Checks
  • Training Certificates
  • Driving Record and Auto Insurance
  • Health and Drug
  • Screenings, and more!

You will never need to wonder if your documents are up to date! Receive expiration alerts. View your documents and check expiration dates anytime. Self-serve uploads keep your private documents even more secure, and in one place. Enjoy the easy drag and drop function.

Also from HR…

Events & Trainings​

8/4 | Delaware Region | Youth Advisory Council annual conference

8/21 | PG County | Kinship Appreciation and Back to School event 

9/7 | All Staff Return to Office

9/20 | Golf Classic for Kids

Triumphant Moments with T.Wood

Check out Triumphant Moments with T.Wood and join us in congratulating and honoring PLC’s very own, Terrence Wood for his inspirational podcast. “T” is an invaluable and treasured PLC Maryland foster care social worker. 

For his podcast, he recently interview PLC’s President/CEO Dr. Laurence Jackson about finding ways to cope.

Employee Spotlight

In this summer edition of the Inside Scoop, we are featuring one of our amazing Regional Directors, Peter Fitts from our Maryland regional office. Listen in!